Wednesday, March 20, 2019


              Hello my name is Faishal Eko Subroto i want to tell my expererience  about learning english, i start learn english when im in elementary school, i start learning english from the basic from introduce my self, learn about number, and object name, from here i like to learn english, and i ask to my friend “do you like to learn english?” and my friend say “yess im little bit like” and then when the last exam start i study hard before english exam, after exam i had a perfect score! Yaap!! 100!

                And then continue when im in junior high school, from here, i start to learn english with medium level maybe, its too different when im in elementary school i think this english little bit hard than english when im in elementary school. My father took me to the english course LIA. After that il try study hard before the last exam in junior high school and then after exam i had not perfect score, it just 80, not better, but its fine.

                And after a long time holiday, i was in senior high school, from here i had more bad score in my exercise, but i still love learning english. When i start last exam i stuck and the end i just had a bad scrore 60.

                I dont care if i have a bad exam score in my senior high school last exam, i still love english leanguage. From here, i just make a conversation practice with my friend with my mother or with my girlfriend, for making a good english conversation skill. I practice more from watching a movie, listening to music, but watching a holywood movie are better for me, for practice english conversation.

When i was a college student, i still love doing a english conversation with my friend with my mother and with my girlfriend.

                                                  Thank You.

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